Roberta featured in article

A bi-annual free paper Free Thinkers has Roberta
Bayley's photo and interview on their latest #5 issue.
FT is focusing on "some of our culture's most creative
individuals", accompaning numbers of incredible
photographs spread on its unusually large format
(35x25.5cm). Issue #5 has Roberta's masterpiece,
smoking Joe Strummer, on its cover.

The paper is like made for her photos; some of pictures
are stretched to two pages full, makes us feel like frame
each photo and hang on the wall.
The interview reveals some "behind the scenes" of
Roberta's famous photos; she states "I just took pictures
of people I knew and liked for the most part", explaining
she was enjoying at the time of shooting.
Maybe that is why these photos do not "fade" after
all these years.
