In the Dump
A short animation clip by PUNK Magazine's John
Holmstrom is shown on Youtube:
In this fun short animation "In the Dump" you
see dogs are forming a band and play in the live
venue the CAVE, that look-a-like of the legendary
CBGB with the owner the Bear (based on CBGB owner Hilly Cristal!),
in the trashy part of town called the Dump...!
Must-See are the posters found on the wall of the
CAVE; these are the parodies that John produced
based on the album covers of musicians related
to CBGB/NY underground scene of 70's, with
various animals replacing the musicians. Do
you know which album arts they are?
Animation was well produced with aid of many
talented friends of John, wish we have a series
of episodes!
The clip is also used in the music video of the
band My World as well:
My World "Ratatat" (Apple Music)