Portrait of PUNK, finished!

About a year ago, we posted a entry with title
Portrait of PUNK, and mentioned that a portrait of
PUNK Magazine's John Holmstrom was under way.
We just heard that it's done!

Curt Hoppe web site

Hyper-realist Curt Hoppe has been working on the
series of portraits of his fellow NY underground artists,
and on the top page of his website, you can see photos of
several paintings with the models standing right in front;
it's a bit confusing since they are so realistic, at a glance
you can't tell the difference between photo and painting!
And there you go, John is right in the middle, and you can
also see a familiar cap with illustration...

Mr. Hoppe said that he plans for a exhibition this year
with all that painting when the series is completed.
Can't wait to see'em!
