Punk Exhibition in London

"Punk" is one of the most influential music
and fashion phenomenon; as you may already
know, the style was born in New York underground
culture scene back in 70s, named after PUNK
Magazine, which produced by our John Holmstrom
and his friends.
After several decades later, John has finally
visited London, for the exhibition featured numerous
original graphics from Punk era; and of course,
there are tons of materials from PUNK Magazine,
and many artworks by John.


The show is at Hayward Gallery in London, just
opened two weeks ago and will be till November,
so if you have any chance to visit London, you
may want to check it out, because John said
" honestly, this is the best gallery show I have
ever seen about punk rock"!!

「Someday All The Adults Will Die/ Punk Graphics 1971-1984」@Hayward Gallery

And for those of us won't be able to fly out there,
there's a book available, done by same guys who
curated the show, and people appeared along with
John at the panel discussion on September 13th.
"Punk: An Aesthetic"
